Unlock the city
The smart way to park
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Why park with Parclick?
More convenient
Do it all from your mobile. Enter the app, find parking, and reserve. It's that easy. Oh, and if your plans change, update your reservation.
Stop stressing, circling, or being late because we always have a spot for you. With Parclick, reserve before you go out and always park on the first try.
No last-minute surprises here. Compare prices, choose the best parking you find, and save every time you park.
And safer
Pay through the app, park only in verified car parks, and if you ever need help, contact us.

We're nearly everywhere in Europe.
And we want to be everywhere.
+2300 available parkings
6 countries
280 cities
470 airports, ports, and stations
Stop searching for parking and start finding it in...

Unlock the city
At Parclick, we not only park. We also open the doors to smart city mobility.
+3 million drivers have already parked with Parclick
We want to collaborate with you. How about you?