Picasso Museum
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Where to park in Picasso Museum

The Picasso Museum in Barcelona or the Museu Picasso for those learning a bit of Catalan, is located in Barcelona’s Ciutat Vella, in the district of El Born. In fact the Museum is on the famous Calle Montcada. If you plan on reaching the museum by car, you’ll need to bare in mind that the museum doesn’t offer parking. So, you’ll need to find somewhere, but let us tell you that parking in the centre of Barcelona isn’t the easiest thing to do in the world, mainly due to the lack of public parking. Plus, there’s loads of pedestrian zones in the old town, and even if you do find somewhere to park then you have to bare in mind Barcelona’s parking zones; the blue zone and the green zone - in the blue you can park for 4 hours and for 2 hours in the green zone. So it’s not the best, when you think that at least every 4 hours you’re going to have to keep on relocating your car - especially when you take into account that you have to pay.  But don’t worry, there is an answer… and it’s Parclick who saves the day! On our website, you can see several car parks near the Picasso Museum. So just click away to find one that suits your needs and budget and go and enjoy Picasso’s masterpieces. 

The Picasso Museum in Barcelona

Admire Picasso’s early masterpieces 

In the Picasso Museum, you’ll find an impressive collection of Pablo Picasso’s work, amongst them you will find work from his youth, created between 1895 and 1904. But also art from later periods, for example you can find the truly amazing Las Meninas collection. The museum was opened in 1963 to bring visitors closer to Picasso and to the city of Barcelona as a whole. The museum holds more than 4,000 pieces of its own, as the building where the museum is was the former Berenguer d’Aguilar Palace, which was built in the 15th century. Now, it could be said that this palace is a work of art in itself, with its beautiful gothic architecture, and enchanting courtyards. Then how about checking out Gaudí's Park Güell afterwards?!

To make your visit to the Picasso Museum as easy and hassle free as possible, we recommend reserving your space before hand with Parclick. Find car parks in Barcelona, to suit every taste, and park in just a few clicks - who’d have thought that parking in Barcelona could be so easy!

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Picasso Museum

More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


Personnel très sympathique et agréable




Beaucoup de mal et de temps à trouver ma réservation sur l ordi de l accueil ......


El dijous vaig poder aparcar a la zona de parking més propera al aquarium que normalment está tencada i no s' enten perquè. En aquest cas i per tema de movilitat es d' agraïr, peor normalment no es deixa. Moltes Gràcies.


Localizacion y precio larga estancia


Le personnel a été très compréhensif et nous a aidé pour bénéficier des tarifs longs séjours, nous les remercions.


La personne du parking Eden m'a bcp aidé par téléphone, pour gérer la réserve et une fois arrivé sur place. Merci à lui


Muy practico y buen precio


No esta bien facturado


Accès facile. A reconnu ma plaque pour l'entrée et le départ. Le personnel m'a donné un code barre à utiliser pour rentrer dans le parking après vite de la ville.Parking très propre et bien pensé. Il est facile de se garer même avec un SUV. Au top.

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