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Where to park in Sants-Montjuïc

The Sants Montjuïc district is located in the south of Barcelona. It’s the largest of the Catalan capital’s districts covering an impressive 23 square kilometres. Now, these are not just any just 23 square kilometres, these contain some of Barcelona’s most well known treasures. But what does this mean? Yep, lots of tourists, and what does lots of tourists mean? It means it’s pretty difficult to find somewhere to park! 

On street parking in Barcelona can be a real nightmare, the first thing you should know about is the regulations. The city is divided into either the blue zone or the green zone. The green zone is basically meant for the city’s residents, and as a visitor you’ll only be able to park there for a maximum of two hours… then there’s the blue zone… this is a bit better, let us stress the a bit part. Here you can park for a maximum of 4 hours, but that’s hardly enough time to be exploring the whole of the area, is it? Plus, if you’re new to the city, trying to understand which zone you’re in, how much you’ve got to pay and how long you can stay for can easily lead to getting it wrong, and then getting a fine. 

But there is a solution, yep you guessed it! Park with Parclick! Just take a look at our map to find a car park, which suits you - wherever you want, for however long you want. 


The district of Sants-Montjuïc in Barcelona actually consists of two parts, the typical Catalan residential area of ​​Sants and the mountain Montjuïc. It is located in the southern part of the city and has a lot to offer thanks to the many tourist and cultural attractions. Here you will find, among other things, the two well-known art museums Museu Nacional d 'Art de Catalunya (MNAC)Fundació Joan Miró, and much more. Be sure to check out the Montjuic mountain, from where you have a spectacular view over Barcelona and where there is also the fortress of the same name. The neighbourhood is also home to the huge Las Arenas shopping centre, which is sure to impress your inner shopaholic! It’s actually in a former bullring, which is where it gets its name from (Las Arenas = the arena, just in case you need to brush up on your language skills ;) ). 

Here you will find a whole range of good restaurants. For a leisurely drink, Plaça d'Osca is recommended, with plenty of bars and cafés. As you can see, a visit to the Sants-Montjuïc neighborhood is sure to be fantastic. But remember to book your parking space for before you arrive, to make sure that you get your trip of to the best start.

We hope you have an incredible time!

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More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


Todo fue entrada, la salida, muy cerca de la estación. El parking muy limpio e iluminado.


Situació immillorable per anar al teatre Lliure. Personal molt amable. Instal.lacions molt noves i places prou àmplies.


Practico, para el sitio que ivamos, reservamos online, y no tuvimos ningun problema, repetiremos si vamos más veces. Gracias.


La informació de que s'havia de trucar a un telèfon no era certa. Hi havia un vigilant que em va dir que agafés ticket, i a l'hora de marxar, ensenyant la reserva del Parclick em va obrir.


La rapidez de gestión


No vaig veure personal en cap moment. El lector de matricula va funcionar correctament




Plazas amplias. Personal muy correcto y 24h. Parking "cerca" de Sants


Parking amplio y cómodo para acceder y salir, si vas con un coche bajito puede que te toquen los bajos en la cuesta de entrar y salir


Gutes Parkhaus um mit großem Auto in Barcelona zu parken. Einfahrt und Anmeldung waren sehr unkompliziert, die Mitarbeiter freundlich.

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