Restricted traffic zone (ZCR)
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Popular car parks in Restricted traffic zone (ZCR)

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Where to park in Restricted traffic zone (ZCR)

From January 15th 2017, Paris has put a restricted traffic zone, or ZCR in place. If you need to get to Paris’ city-center and wish to find out more on Paris’ ZCR, Parclick can help you!  Discover how the capital’s limited restricted traffic zone works and if necessary park in one of the numerous parking facilities and other inexpensive car parks in Paris available on

With Parclick, you will be able to drive and  park in Paris’ ZCR with a minimum of fuss, thanks to the wide range of car park spaces which we have available for you.

Paris’ ZCR: where and when?

Paris’ restricted traffic zone came into effect on the 15th of January 2017. It affects the entire capital from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm.

What vehicles are permitted or prohibited in the ZCR?

Paris’ ZCR is only open to vehicles with a ‘Crit’Air’ sticker on their wind screen (it costs €4.18). This sticker is also required for foreign vehicles or those for individuals with special requirements. To find out more about the Crit'Air sticker:

However, it is impossible for every vehicle to obtain this sticker, due to their being prohibited in the capital while the ZCR is in effect. Vehicles which are prohibited from entry into Paris’ ZCR include:

  • Heavy weight vehicles such as buses and coaches registered before October 1st 2001;

  • Cars and light-duty vehicles registered before January 1st 1997 ;

  • Two-wheelers before October 1st 1997.

Moreover from July 1st 2017, these restrictions will extend to diesel vehicles and light vehicles which came into use before January 1st 2001, as well as to heavy weight vehicles registered before the October 1st 2006.

However, certain vehicles are provided with a derogation, particularly general interest priority vehicles (police, the fire department, etc.) or moving vehicles.

Failure to adhere to ZCR restrictions will result in fines whose severity would depend on the category your vehicle belongs to. Hence anyone who drives or parks in the ZCR without a Crit’Air sticker runs numerous risks!

How to park in Paris’ ZCR

If you need to get to Paris’ ZCR, Parclick suggests the following solutions:

  • During the ZCR’s functional hours, leave your vehicle in a Parisian city center car park. You will be able to drive between 8 pm and 8 am and during the weekend ;

  • Making use of a parking facility around Paris, and using public transport to get within Paris and move around the capital.

Hence in the event of your vehicle failing to correspond to the driving standards required by the ZCR or simply due to your lacking a Crit’Air sticker, you will be able to leave it in complete security in a cheap car park in Paris or around the capital! Thanks to Parclick, you will experience no problems in parking in Paris’ ZCR or its periphery.

Look up your parking space in Paris right away and get to benefit from parking offers in Paris’ restricted traffic zone.

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Restricted traffic zone (ZCR)

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More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


une seule rampe à double sens, aux heures de pointes cela peut etre cocasse


Pour mon premier usage, rencontre d’un personnel très prévenant même au cœur de la nuit.


Parking bien situé, facile à trouver, l'accès est plutôt bon même si les places ne sont pas immenses (j'ai une KIA NIRO HYBRIDE assez grosse). Formalités simples, aucun souci, une fois qu'on a pris son ticket il suffit de le faire valider à l accueil.


Infos conformes à la description. Parking spacieux, secure et lumineux, ouvert 24h sur 24h, nous avons trouvé facilement une place.


Bien situé aux portes de Paris et accessible 24/244.


Très bien. Une très bonne solution pour avoir un esprit serein et éviter tous tracas pour garer sa voiture dans Paris


Facile et pratique. Réservation en ligne rapide


Great car park in a good location at reasonable price. Welcoming host.


Totalement satisfait


The QR code has never worked in the many times we have parked here but the staff are helpful at sorting this out. Would be nice if you could fix this though as it is quite annoying. Lift is broken half the time.

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4.5 Google