The Ice Hockey World Championship
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Popular car parks in The Ice Hockey World Championship

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Where to park in The Ice Hockey World Championship

Are you going to the Ice Hockey World Championship? Make sure to book your parking space near the AccorHotels Arena, as we predict a very busy schedule. 

Thanks to Parclick, you will be able to park for the Hockey Championship at the AccorHotels Arena. Guarantee your place in the cheapest car parks in Paris with Parclick!

Ice Hockey World Championship

Hockey at the AccorHotels Arena

This year's World Hockey Championship will see its teams competing for victory.

Don't waste time and book your car park at Bercy for the hockey championship!

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You decide where, when to park and which car park suits you best. You save money, you save time and you realise that parking can be quick and convenient. You always arrive on time.

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The Ice Hockey World Championship

Points of interest Paris Points of interest Paris
Hotels Paris Hotels Paris

More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


Pour mon premier usage, rencontre d’un personnel très prévenant même au cœur de la nuit.


Accueil agréable et professionnel.


L’ensemble des prestations ont été parfaites


I had no problem at all. The staff was reactive and quick to open the gates. I would like to specify that i speak french so i can't judge in the staff in another language.


Parfait je recommande vraiment très pratique


10€ par nuit est acceptable. Faudra jamais dépasser.




Attente plus d'une heure trente pour avoir le voiturier; je pense que poiur mon nouveau voyage j'envisagerais autrement. Cordialement

Puntuación de App Store
4.6 App Store
Puntuación de Google Play
4.6 Google Play
Puntuación de Google
4.5 Google