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Popular car parks in The Pinder Circus
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Where to park in The Pinder Circus
(Permanently Closed)
The Pinder Circus is nothing less than one of the most famous French circuses, already existing when we were children, when our parents were children... and so on. Since 1854, Pinder has been touring the country to the delight of families.
Every November, the good news is that Pinder's big top rises again in the heart of the Reuilly. You can laugh at the show of the trainers, shiver at the show of the clowns - er, no, the opposite - and admire the prowess of the jugglers, the dog trainer and the aerial dancer ("elegant and sensual" according to Pinder's website)... and many other surprises.
Everything seems to be going well... provided you know where you're going to park. Where are the nearest car parks? Parclick gives you the answer. You can find the nearest car parks to the Pinder circus tent and reserve the one that suits you best. And the best thing: thanks to Parclick, you'll enjoy the best rates on the market.
Your children will be delighted: they will see trapeze artists, trainers and clowns, and you will be happy: your car will be safe and secure in a low-cost car park near the large park in the 12th arrondissement of Paris. It's going to be a great family moment!
Beware of clowns, though. You never know.