Parking Accenture

Carrer de Moragas, 15

Reservation details

Car park hours

Open 24 hours a day


NN Moragas


  • Guaranteed parking space
  • Flexible entry
  • 24h service
  • Covered
  • Guarded

How to get there

Car park entrance

Carrer de Moragas 15


Este parking se encuentra situado en Carrer de Moragas, 1508022 Barcelona
PARA ABRIR LA BARRERA: coge el ticket. Ve a la cabina de control con tu reserva Parclick y el ticket. Aparca en cualquier plaza libre. PARA SALIR: utiliza la tarjeta/mando que te dio el personal. SI TU PASE PERMITE ENTRADAS Y SALIDAS ILIMITADAS: utiliza la tarjeta/mando que te dio el personal.

Available products

Select entry and exit date to display available products.

Parclick products

Basic pass

During your stay you will only be able to enter and leave the car park once.

Multiparking pass

During your stay you can make use of the entire network of car parks of this operator available at Parclick.

Unlimited Pass

During your stay you can enter and leave the parking lot as many times as you want.

Parking Accenture: Opinions

Based on 4 opinions