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Where to park in ZTL Rome
The Limited Traffic Zone (ZTL) of Rome, is central area with limited access for certain vehicles, primarily private cars. The ZTL has two objectives: on the one hand to protect the immense historical and archaeological heritage of the city of Rome, and on the other to reduce urban pollution. The limited traffic zone, covering 4.2 km2, consists of three main areas:
- Railway Ring (in purple)
- Green Belt (in green)
- Historical Centre (in yellow)
The Historical Centre is further divided into 5 sub-areas: Centre, Trastevere, Trident, San Lorenzo and Testaccio. If you want to park inside the Limited Traffic Zone of Rome you can book your parking space on Parclick! Here you can see the features and limitations of each area to help you on your visit to Rome, one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Limited Traffic Zone of the Green Belt
The ZTL for the Green Belt is triggered when pollution levels exceed the limits set by the municipality of Rome. Certain vehicles are already prohibited from accessing this area, depending on their year of registration and type of engine (fuel):
- For Euro 0 Petrol and Diesel engines: access is prohibited from Monday to Friday 24 hours. Access is allowed at weekends and on public holidays.
- For Diesel vehicles Euro 1 and 2, and Petrol Euro 1: there is the same limitation on previous models up to 31 March 2016. From 1 April 2016 to 31 October 2016, the restriction will be lifted for these vehicles, but as of 1 November 2016, access will be limited as it is for other vehicles.
At the end of this page you will find a table that will help you understand the classification of your vehicle depending on its year of purchase and type of fuel.
The Limited Traffic Zone of the Railway Ring
Until 31 March 2016 access to the Limited Traffic Zone of the Railway Ring is prohibited from Monday to Friday for:
- Euro 1 Diesel Vehicles,
- Euro 2 Diesel vehicles
- Euro 1 Mopeds and motorcycles, and Euro 2, 3 and 4 petrol automobiles.
At the end of this page you will find a table that will help you understand the classification of your vehicle depending on its year of purchase and type of fuel.
The Limited Traffic Zone of the Historical Centre
The Limited Traffic Zone of the Historical Centre is divided into 5 areas: Centre, Trastevere, Trident, San Lorenzo and Testaccio. Limited traffic zone of the HISTORICAL CENTRE. This LTZ has numerous limitations in terms of daytime and nighttime hours. During daytime, the Limited Traffic Zone of the Historical Centre is closed to traffic during these hours:
- From 06:30 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays
- From 14:00 to 18:00 on Saturdays, excluding holidays
ZTL Historical Centre Daytime:
At night, the ZTL of the Historical Centre is closed to traffic during these hours:
- From 23:00 to 03:00 on Fridays and Saturdays, including holidays.
- During the month of August, the Limited Traffic Zone of the Historical Centre is inactive.
ZTL Historical Centre Nighttime Hours:
Daytime and nighttime access in this area is permitted for:
- Motorcycles and mopeds
- Electric vehicles
Important: During the Christmas holidays, in the period between 08 December and 07 January inclusive, the ZTL in the city centre ZTL will be active every day, with the exception of 25 December, from 06.30 am to 20.00 pm. More information at this link.
The Limited Traffic Zone TRIDENT
ZTL Trident:
The Limited Traffic Zone Trident is located inside the ZTL of the historical centre, but has more lenient times. The ZTL Trident is active during the day at the following hours:
- 06: 30 - 19: 00 Monday to Friday (excluding holidays)
- 10: 00 - 19: 00 on Saturdays (excluding holidays)
This area has the same restrictions as the Historical Centre's nighttime ones:
- 23:00 - 03:00 on Fridays and Saturdays (including holidays)
- During the month of August, there are no restrictions on nighttime access
Like the ZTL of the Historical Centre, daytime and nighttime access in this area is permitted for:
- Motorcycles and mopeds
- Electric vehicles
Important: During the Christmas holidays, in the period between 08 December and 07 January inclusive, the ZTL in the city centre ZTL will be active every day, with the exception of 25 December, from 06.30 am to 20.00 pm. More information at this link.
Limited Traffic Zone TRASTEVERE
The Trastevere ZTL is also inside the ZTL of the Historical Centre, but has different schedules. The Limited Traffic Zone of Trastevere is active during the day everyday from 6:30 to 10:00 (excluding holidays)
Trastevere ZTL Daytime:
During the night, the ZTL is active:
- Fridays and Saturdays from 21:30 to 3:00 (including holidays)
- From May to October, on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 21:30 to 03:00 (including holidays)
- In August, the Trastevere ZTL is lifted during the night
ZTL Trastevere nighttimes:
Like the ZTL of the Historical Centre, daytime and nighttime access in this area is permitted for:
- Motorcycles and mopeds
- Electric vehicles
Limited Traffic Zone TESTACCIO
ZTL Testaccio nighttimes:
The Testaccio ZTL is located inside the ZTL of the Historical Centre, but has different night time schedules. The ZTL of Testaccio is only active during the night from 23:00 to 3:00 on Fridays and Saturdays. This restriction is lifted on public holidays and throughout the month of August. Like the ZTL of the Historical Centre, daytime and nighttime access in this area is permitted for:
- Motorcycles and mopeds
- Electric vehicles
Detailed Map of the Limited Traffic Zone in Rome
In the following link you can access a detailed map on Google Maps of the Limited Traffic Zone of Rome. On the left, there are the three ZTL areas (Green Belt, Railway Ring and Historical Centre, the latter further divided into different sectors). Clicking on each will give you its restrictions, and zoom to see the points of interest of each zone more clearly.
How to recognise your category of vehicle
Your vehicle's category is specified in its data sheet. In general, its category depends on the type of fuel it uses, its registration date, and type of vehicle. For example, category Euro 1 Diesel cars are those that run on diesel and have entered into circulation between July 1992 and January 1996.
Here is the table with categories for automobiles:
Diesel Date of purchase
EURO 1 July 1992
EURO 2 January 1996
EURO 3 January 2000
EURO 4 January 2005
EURO 5a September 2009
EURO 5b September 2011
EURO 6 September 2014
Petrol Date of purchase
EURO 1 July 1992
EURO 2 January 1996
EURO 3 January 2000
EURO 4 January 2005
EURO 5 September 2009
EURO 6 September 2014
These dates are merely indicative. We encourage you to review the technical specifications of your vehicle to know its official classification.

ZTL Rome
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