Nou Barris
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Where to park in Nou Barris

Nou Barris is a district in Barcelona that is located to the north of the city, right next to Sant Andreu. This district of Barcelona is only 15 minutes from the centre of Barcelona and the parking situation in this area is very difficult. A characteristic of this area is that parking is a very complicated problem. The heavy vehicle traffic is increasing in the different neighbourhoods that make up this district and there are very few public spaces for parking.

To all this, we must add that many of the streets of the district are really narrow and have significant slopes that make parking difficult. In addition, the different neighbourhood improvement works constantly eliminate the few parking spaces in the area.

Parking in Nou Barris is possible if a positive option is chosen, such as relying on a parking reservation. To do this, Parclick has several guarded car parks available for its users that can become the best way to visit the district, avoiding the various parking problems. On the map you have some options for guarded parking lots in Nou Barris.

District of Nou Barris

14 neighbourhoods in the north of Barcelona

The district of Nou Barris is formed by a total of 14 neighbourhoods located north of Barcelona. Among all the neighbourhoods we can highlight the neighbourhoods of Porta, Can Peguera, Cañellas or Torre Baró. The main characteristic of this Barcelona district is that it arose due to the settlements of families that arrived from other parts of Spain to work in Barcelona. In this way, it became an important residential area during the 1950s and 1970s. Nowadays the evolution has been such that it is one of the most populated districts of the city.

In Nou Barris, all kinds of infrastructure improvements have been carried out, creating important green areas, such as the famous Central Park, one of the most striking and characteristic gardens in Barcelona. To explore Nou Barris, the best thing to do is to park your car in one of the parking garages that Parclick offers you and to visit its streets, which is becoming one of Barcelona's most striking districts. You can visit the Parclick online platform, where you will find the best parking options at very competitive prices.

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Nou Barris

More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


Very Easy, Very Accesible


plazas de parking correctas


Arrivée vers 13h. Nous avions réservé 3 jpurs sur le site. Le gardien nous a accueilli, nous a tout expliqué, donné le ticket de sortie illimité. Très aimable. Parking surveillé. Accès facile. Je recommande.

Juan Carlos



El personal es super amable! Un diez


Personnel très sympathique et agréable




Parking bien placé proche de la Sagrada Familia. Attention à l'intérieur du parking, place étroite et difficile d'accès : beaucoup de manœuvre à faire!


Fantástico. Todo súper bien


Beaucoup de mal et de temps à trouver ma réservation sur l ordi de l accueil ......

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