Clot-Aragón Station
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Where to park in Clot-Aragón Station

The Clot-Aragón Station is located in the well-known San Martí district of Barcelona. It is a train station where you can get both the metro and suburban trains.

Parking near the Clot-Aragón Station in Barcelona is easy if you rely on the parking options offered by Parclick. In this area, the long-stay parking is quite suitable for all those who need to travel to areas near Barcelona. This means that street parking is not the best option, since you usually have to pay the rates of the blue zone.

Free parking doesn´t exist in practically all of Barcelona. So if you have to get a train, the best thing you can do is turn to the low cost parking offered by Parclick. For this you can visit the Parclick website and check out our car parks in Barcelona. Your car will be left in safe hands.

Clot-Aragón station in Barcelona

An exchanger in San Martín

The Clot-Aragón Station in Barcelona, ​​or El Clot-Aragó (in Catalan), is located in the district of San Martín de la Ciudad. From here you can take both the Metro Barcelona lines and the suburban trains on lines R1 and R2.

This station has two features. The first is that the lines R1 and R2 of the suburban trains of Barcelona end here. And the second is that the Clot metro station is here, where lines 1 and 2 arrive. If we join both, the result is an interchange between them.

If you need to go to the Clot-Aragón Station in Barcelona you can book parking with Parclick, using the online platform. Here you can find cheap car parks in Barcelona and long-stay parking options if you need it.

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Clot-Aragón Station

More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


Very Easy, Very Accesible


plazas de parking correctas


Arrivée vers 13h. Nous avions réservé 3 jpurs sur le site. Le gardien nous a accueilli, nous a tout expliqué, donné le ticket de sortie illimité. Très aimable. Parking surveillé. Accès facile. Je recommande.

Juan Carlos



El personal es super amable! Un diez


Personnel très sympathique et agréable




Parking bien placé proche de la Sagrada Familia. Attention à l'intérieur du parking, place étroite et difficile d'accès : beaucoup de manœuvre à faire!


Beaucoup de mal et de temps à trouver ma réservation sur l ordi de l accueil ......


El dijous vaig poder aparcar a la zona de parking més propera al aquarium que normalment está tencada i no s' enten perquè. En aquest cas i per tema de movilitat es d' agraïr, peor normalment no es deixa. Moltes Gràcies.

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