Sarriá-Sant Gervasi
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Where to park in Sarriá-Sant Gervasi

The district of Sarriá-Sant Gervasi is perfect for leaving your car while you visit Barcelona, thanks to its strategic location in the higher level of the city. Perhaps this exclusive neighbourhood will be an excellent place to stay in. Thanks to the public transport system, it is very well connected to the most important points of the Catalan metropolis. This is essentially a residential neighbourhood, having many parking spaces you have to pay for (green zone reserved for residents only). Several years ago, this was the area in Barcelona receiving the most parking tickets, because the difficulty of finding a place pushed many drivers to leave their vehicles badly parked.

However, visiting or staying in the district of Sarriá-Sant Gervasi remains an excellent choice, with its splendid views and its very lively night life, without preventing it from being a very quiet district due to its distance from the city centre.

The best that you can do is book your parking space in Barcelona in one of the car parks Parclick offers you, selecting the one suiting you the best.

Sarriá-Sant Gervasi

A lively neighbourhood offering stunning views

Sarriá-Sant Gervasi enjoys a temperate climate, the elegance of its houses and residential buildings, whose proximity to the centre is very convenient for tourism in Barcelona. Until 1921, it was an independent village whose urban core remained intact until the 70s, when the construction of many luxury properties began. Despite these considerable changes, the zone has nonetheless managed to preserve a large number of local artisans, grocery stores, bakeries and other shops all which have been able to withstand the many economic instabilities until now.

In the district of Sarriá-Sant Gervasi, there is the Tbibdabo, from which you can enjoy the stunning views of the city, after taking the funicular that dates back to the 20th century. You’ll also find one of Gaudí’s works: the Bellesguard (also known as the Casa Figueras). In addition, Sarriá-Gervasi is very well served, so as to make it easy for you to get there: it is 20 minutes from the Barcelona Airport and it is connected to the city’s the main access routes, such as the A-2, AP-2 and AP-7 motorways. You also have many metro and bus lines.

At Parclick, you can leave your vehicle in one of Barcelona’s car parks that you’ll find on our website: stroll around the neighbourhood’s gardens and discover authentic artisanal shops. In a single click, park your car in Barcelona!

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Sarriá-Sant Gervasi

More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


Todo fue entrada, la salida, muy cerca de la estación. El parking muy limpio e iluminado.


Practico, para el sitio que ivamos, reservamos online, y no tuvimos ningun problema, repetiremos si vamos más veces. Gracias.


La informació de que s'havia de trucar a un telèfon no era certa. Hi havia un vigilant que em va dir que agafés ticket, i a l'hora de marxar, ensenyant la reserva del Parclick em va obrir.


La rapidez de gestión


Las plazas en una se podía aparcar y en la q estaba al lado se dejaba vacío porq no entraba otro coche.


Places étroites et courtes nécessitant quelques manœuvres pour se garer. Reconnaissance immatriculation du véhicule, c'est parfait pour faciliter l'entrée et sortie du véhicule. Nous avons été très bien aceuillis. Tarif le moins cher dans toute la ville.


Très bon accueil et service


No vaig veure personal en cap moment. El lector de matricula va funcionar correctament


Very helpful staff member on arrival with excellent English! Clar instructions in advance



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