Estació del Nord Barcelona
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Where to park in Estació del Nord Barcelona

Number of car parks 16 Estació del Nord
Nearest car park BSM Estació Barcelona-Nord Covered car park
Cheapest car park Continental

From €3,96/h

Best rated car park SABA Lluís Companys Score 5/5
Most popular car park Alpha- Gran Vía Tetuán Covered car park

Where can I leave my car at Estació del Nord?

The best option is to leave your car in a car park at Estació del Nord, the BSM Estació Barcelona Nord car park is just 1 minute away from Estació Barcelona Nord, the closest car park and you can reserve your space at Parclick. In the vicinity of the station you can find different car parks where you can leave your car, with Parclick you can choose from all of them with discounts of up to 70%.

How much does the Estació del Nord car park cost?

With Parclick you can book your parking space for the whole day from €9.99, with discounts of up to 70% in car parks in Barcelona.

Can I leave my car at Estació del Nord?

To leave your car safely at Estació del Nord, the best thing to do is to reserve your space in a monitored car park; at Parclick you can compare prices and choose the one that best suits your stay.

How to park at Estació del Nord?

All you need to do to park at the Nord station is download the Parclick app and book at the best price: for example, you can park for an hour near the station from €4 with a daily maximum of €18 at the Nápoles 21 car park. You can also use the Barcelona parking meter easily from our app.

Is the Estació del Nord Barcelona car park expensive?

The rates for parking near Estació del Nord with Parclick are up to 50% off: 1-hour parking from €3.60 and day parking from €18. You can reserve your parking space at very affordable prices if you also go a little further away from the area.

Is it easy to park at Estació del Nord?

The activity of a city like Barcelona can make it difficult to park at Estació del Nord. However, having a secured parking space will allow you to park easily and comfortably. From the Parclick app you can make a reservation and manage your entry and exit to and from the car park.

Tips for parking at Barcelona's Nord Station

The aim of this article is to be as informative as possible and to help you find out where to park your car near Barcelona Estació del Nord-Bus Station. You may be interested in some tips if you are organising your holiday or, for whatever reason, have to pick someone up at the station.

  • Tip number 1 which we'll call: "It's probably not going to be crowded today".

It's always, and in all circumstances, going to be a LOT of people! This is one of the largest bus stations in Spain with 47 platforms and lines that operate throughout most of Catalonia, the rest of Spain and other European cities. This means that if you want to be sure of finding a free parking space as soon as you arrive, the best option is to book in advance. Otherwise, you'll have to fight with tourists and workers to leave your car as close to the station as possible.

  • Tip number 2, also known as: "Well, I can always park on the street".

Yes, you can, except in the green zone exclusively for residents, where you can't leave your car for more than 2 hours, or in the blue zone, where we recommend that if you do so, you also book with our Barcelona parking meter app and you can extend the time you need, but think that it may end up costing you more than booking parking if you only need it for a few hours. If you book your parking near Barcelona Nord in advance, you'll be able to leave your car there for as long as you need.

  • Final tip: "Luckily I booked with Parclick!

Our car parks near Barcelona Nord Station allow you to leave your car for a few hours (if you're picking someone up or accompanying them) or for several days (even weeks!) if you're planning a longer trip. In addition, we always guarantee you a free, safe and secure parking space. Covered or uncovered, you can decide this by taking a look at the map and all the services offered by the car parks closest to the station.

Estació Nord Bus Station

The station and the district

Nord station is located in the district of Fort Pienc, L'Eixample. It is in the centre of Barcelona, so if you arrive here it will be very easy to get to other points of interest in the centre of Barcelona. Nearby you will find the Arc de Triomf and the continuation of the Passeig de Lluís Companys ending at the Rius i Taulet Monument. The National Theatre of Catalonia, located in the Plaça de les Arts in Barcelona, is also 9 minutes away on foot and in a few minutes you can reach the Gran Vía de les Corts, the main artery of the city.

In addition, the connection of the bus station with public transport will almost make you forget the need to take your car out of the car park you have booked with Parclick because you can move around the city by metro (L1), bus lines (L54) and suburban lines (R1, R3 and R4) or get to other towns in Catalonia.

Point of interest in Barcelona

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Parking Ramblas Parking Barcelona Port
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Parking Diagonal Parking Fira Barcelona
Parking Barcelona T1 Parking Barcelona T2



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Estació del Nord Barcelona

More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


Very Easy, Very Accesible


Personnel très sympathique et agréable


Beaucoup de mal et de temps à trouver ma réservation sur l ordi de l accueil ......


El dijous vaig poder aparcar a la zona de parking més propera al aquarium que normalment está tencada i no s' enten perquè. En aquest cas i per tema de movilitat es d' agraïr, peor normalment no es deixa. Moltes Gràcies.


Localizacion y precio larga estancia


Le personnel a été très compréhensif et nous a aidé pour bénéficier des tarifs longs séjours, nous les remercions.


La personne du parking Eden m'a bcp aidé par téléphone, pour gérer la réserve et une fois arrivé sur place. Merci à lui


Muy practico y buen precio


No esta bien facturado


Accueil, sécurité, pratique en ville, très bien

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4.6 App Store
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4.6 Google Play
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4.5 Google