Park and Ride Barcelona
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Where to park in Park and Ride Barcelona

Finding a parking space in the centre of Barcelona can sometimes be a real ordeal. In an attempt to reduce car traffic in the city, Barcelona City Council has set up a number of park-and-ride facilities to encourage users to leave their cars on the outskirts of the city and take public transport to the centre.

Where can I leave my car at the entrance to Barcelona?

There are numerous car parks at the entrances to Barcelona, both free and park-and-ride. Today, the city has 6 municipal car parks at the entrances to the city, with access to all types of public transport to reach the centre.

Castelldefells Station Bus: L94, L95, L96 et L97. Train: El Maresme-Fòrum et Besòs Mar -L4, R2 et R2 sud-.
Parking Plaça del Fòrum

Bus: H16, 7, 143

Train: ligne 4, Mareme-Forum

Metro: Maresme-Fórum e Besòs Mar - Ligne 4.

Parking Sant Genís-Vall D´Hebron Bus: 9, 27, 60, 76, 119, 185, B19, H4, V15, V21, N4 Metro: Vall d’Hebron -line 3 et 5- and Montbau -line 5.
Parking Marquès de Mulhacén-Pedralbes  No connection with bus

Metro: Palau Reial and María Cristina -line 3-

Train: Reina Elisenda -line 12-

Parking Rius i Taulet-Fonts Monjuïc-Fira Bus: D20, D40, H12, H16, V7, 13, 23, 46, 65, 52, 79, 91, 109, 150 y 165

Metro: Plaza Espanya -line 1 y 3

Train: L8, S3, S4, S8, S9, R5, R6, R50 y R60

How do the Barcelona car park and ride schemes work?

Not all park-and-ride facilities in Barcelona operate in the same way. In four car parks, you can use the park-and-ride facilities with a Park & Ride card, which gives drivers access to a parking space at a reduced price for the number of days contracted.

For the other 2 non-paying park-and-ride sites, you will need to download the AMB P+R Aparcaments application from Intercanvi Metropolitans - free for Android and iOs - and register for the service.

Then, on your return, before you get out of your vehicle, you will need to prove that you have used public transport using the validation machines located in the stations.

Are Barcelona park and ride facilities free?

There are only two free park-and-ride facilities at the entrance to Barcelona. There are also free parking areas around the city. We still advise you to reserve your parking space in one of our car parks in Barcelona, to ensure that your vehicle is safe at all times.

Here is a list of free parking zones in Barcelona:

  1. Poble Sec
  2. Playa de Barcelona
  3. Vall d'Hebrón
  4. Guinardó
  5. Pedralbés
  6. Universidad de Barcelona
  7. Shopping centres
  8. La Sagrera
  9. Montjuic

Where can I park to take the metro in Barcelona?

Castelldefells train station parking: 

This car park, which can be accessed via the C-31 and C-32 roads, offers 105 spaces for public transport users. It is located just behind the Castelldefells train station, around 20 km from Barcelona, and can be accessed via Calle Antic Camí Ral de València. It connects with the following public transport services:

  • Bus : L94, L95, L96 et L97.
  • Train : El Maresme-Fòrum and Besòs Mar -L4, R2 and R2 sud-.

Plaça del Fòrum parking:

This car park is just off the C-31/B10 roads, and has over 700 spaces, as well as charging points for electric vehicles and free lockers. It is located next to the Forum and the Natural Sciences Museum, and can be accessed via Plaça d'Ernest Lluch i Martín. It connects with the following public transport services:

  • Bus TMB : H16, 7 and 143.
  • Metro : El Maresme-Fòrum and Besòs Mar - Line 4 - Metro line 4.
  • Tramway T4 : station Maresme-Fòrum

Sant Genís-Vall D´Hebron parking:

This car park, which can be accessed via the B-20 motorway or the Ronda de Dalt, offers 298 spaces, as well as charging points for electric vehicles and free lockers. It is located next to the Vall D'Hebron University Hospital, which can be reached via Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 138-176. It connects with the following public transport services:

  • Bus TMB : 19, 27, 60, 76, 119, 185, B19, H4, V15, V21, N4.
  • Metro : Vall d'Hebron - lines 3 and 5- and Montbau - line 5-.
Marquès de Mulhacén-Pedralbes parking:

You can get there via the C-16, B-20 or B-23 roads. Located next to the monastery, on the Avenida de Pedralbes and accessed via Carrer del Marquès de Mulhacén 51, it offers 260 parking spaces and is equipped with electric vehicle charging points and Bicing stations. It connects with the following public transport services:

  • Metro : Palau Reial and María Cristina -Line 3-
  • Metro : Reina Elisenda - line 12-.

Rius i Taulet-Fonts Monjuïc-Fira parking

You can reach the car park if you enter Barcelona via the C-31 N and N-340 roads. Located next to the Fira e Barcelona, it has charging points for electric vehicles, 622 parking spaces and access from Avenida de la Reina Maria Cristina, 16 :

  • Bus TMB : D20, D40, H12, H16, V7, 13, 23, 46, 65, 52, 79, 91, 109, 150 and 165.
  • Metro : Plaça Espanya - Lines 1 and 3
  • Metro : L8, S3, S4, S8, S9, R5, R6, R50 and R60
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Park and Ride Barcelona

More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


It is very dark.


Todo fue entrada, la salida, muy cerca de la estación. El parking muy limpio e iluminado.


Very Easy, Very Accesible


plazas de parking correctas


Arrivée vers 13h. Nous avions réservé 3 jpurs sur le site. Le gardien nous a accueilli, nous a tout expliqué, donné le ticket de sortie illimité. Très aimable. Parking surveillé. Accès facile. Je recommande.

Juan Carlos



Situació immillorable per anar al teatre Lliure. Personal molt amable. Instal.lacions molt noves i places prou àmplies.


Les personnels de Parclick que j'ai contacté par téléphone pour résoudre une problématique avant mon départ ont toujours été à l'écoute et ont solutionné cette problématique.


Practico, para el sitio que ivamos, reservamos online, y no tuvimos ningun problema, repetiremos si vamos más veces. Gracias.


La informació de que s'havia de trucar a un telèfon no era certa. Hi havia un vigilant que em va dir que agafés ticket, i a l'hora de marxar, ensenyant la reserva del Parclick em va obrir.

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