CosmoCaixa Barcelona
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Where to park in CosmoCaixa Barcelona

CosmoCaixa is the most important and distinctive science museum in Catalonia. It is located on Carrer d’Isaac Newton, in the western part of Barcelona. Visiting it is practically obligatory to prevent you from missing out on the many scientific exhibitions and experiments that take place there. The parking situation in this area and, in general, in most of Barcelona is quite tricky, since it is a city with numerous pedestrianised streets and regulated parking areas, called ‘zonas verde’ (green) and ‘zonas azules’. Within these zones you have to pay and can only stay for a limited amount of time. In the green zone (residents only), visitors can park for, at the most, two hours and in the blue zone, the maximum parking time is four hours. In this type of regulated parking it is essential to pay the corresponding fee to the time of your stay, to avoid being fined. In addition, there are some squares, marked with white paint, that have been set aside for motorcycles. Under no circumstances can a car or any other type of vehicle park in these areas. Therefore, we think parking in a guarded car park would be the wisest thing to do, so that parking doesn’t pose a problem during your visit to CosmoCaixa museum in Barcelona. ​​Parclick offers you a series of nearby car parks, which can help you to forget about your car and just enjoy the museum. On the map you can see some parking options near the CosmoCaixa.


Museo CosmoCaixa de Barcelona


Dedicated to science


The CosmoCaixa museum in Barcelona is a space dedicated to science, belonging to the Obra Social La Caixa. The refurbishment of the former Barcelona Science Museum in 2004 gave rise to this modern complex, where some of the most striking exhibitions of their kind come together. In 2006 it received the European museum of the year award, becoming a point of reference in the Ciudad Condal (Barcelona). In CosmoCaixa there are many different spaces dedicated to all kinds of sciences. One of the most remarkable rooms is known as "el bosque inundado" (the flooded forest), which perfectly emulates a section of the Amazon rainforest. In addition, you can visit the geological museum or Sala de la Materia (Hall of Matter), the exhibit on life and living matter on Earth. Here there are all kinds of scientific experiments that you can attempt. There are several rooms designed for children where they can learn and enjoy science, its planetarium being a real adventure. Added to all this must be the other different spaces and temporary exhibitions that take place inside the museum. Peacefully explore CosmoCaixa having made a reservation with Parclick. Using our platform, you will find the best guarded car parks in Barcelona.

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CosmoCaixa Barcelona

More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


It is very dark.


Todo fue entrada, la salida, muy cerca de la estación. El parking muy limpio e iluminado.


Practico, para el sitio que ivamos, reservamos online, y no tuvimos ningun problema, repetiremos si vamos más veces. Gracias.


La informació de que s'havia de trucar a un telèfon no era certa. Hi havia un vigilant que em va dir que agafés ticket, i a l'hora de marxar, ensenyant la reserva del Parclick em va obrir.


1ere fois que j'utilise, c'est parfait


La rapidez de gestión


Las plazas en una se podía aparcar y en la q estaba al lado se dejaba vacío porq no entraba otro coche.


All perfect




Me equivoque con la matrícula y me lo solucionaron rápidamente. Gracias

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