Parc de la Villette
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Where to park in Parc de la Villette

The Parc de la Villette is found in the north of Paris, in the 19th arrondissement. Not only is it one of the main parks in Paris, but inside it you will find some significant buildings like the Zénith de Paris, the Philharmonie de Paris and the Cité de la Musique.  So, Parc de la Villette is not just a great place for walk but also for attending concerts.

If you are planning to see a concert at the Zénith, or at the Philharmonie de Paris, Parclick recommends that you think about where you will park beforehand.

Parking near this park in the centre of Paris is not easy at all, and it becomes all the more difficult when there is an important event in town. Parclick advises booking a space in a car park in Paris, so you don’t lose time once you arrive.

We have a wide range of car parks in Paris for you to choose from which will allow you to park close to Parc de la Villette; some of them are more convenient for accessing the north side of Parc de la Villette and some for the south.


Car parks to the north of the Parc de la Villette

The following car parks are best if you want to get to the north side of the Parc de la Villette (Cité des Sciences er l’Industrie, Géode, Zénith):

  • Riquet Bassin de la Villette; right next to the Riquet metro station; all you have to do is use line 7 to get to Porte de la Villette.
  • Stalingrad; near the Stalingrad metro station; also on line 7.


Car parks to the south of Parc de la Villette

If you want to get to the south side of Parc de la Villette, these are the best options:

  • Porte des Lilas; Porte de Lilas is a stop on line T3b of the tram which you can ride until Porte de Pantin and you will find yourself standing in front of the Cité de la Musique, not far from the Philharmonie de Paris.
  • Saint Fargeau; this is a bit further away but it has the advantage of being cheaper. From here you have to take the metro from Saint Fargeau to Porte de Lilas and from there you use tram T3b to get to Porte de Pantin.


The Parc de la Villette


An expanse of green in Paris


The Parc de la Villette is a huge green area in Paris’ 19th arrondissement, in the Pont de Flandre neighbourhood. Of its 55 hectares, a third of it is covered by buildings. These include the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, the Philharmonie de Paris, the Grande Halle de la Villette, the Cité de la Musique, the Trabendo, the Géode and the Zénith, a concert hall with a capacity of about 6000.

Running through Parc de la Villette is the Canal de l’Ourcq. Today the Grand Halle de la Villette hosts many events throughout the year, like the other halls, the Cité de la Musique and the Philharmonie de Paris, which are used for various concerts and shows, as well as the the Zénith, the Trabendo and the Géode which is a cinema.

In short, Parc de la Villette is much more than a green space, it is a cultural hub.

There are two metro stations (Porte de la Villette and Porte de Pantin), a tram stop on line T3b and several bus services (including some night-time ones) that will get you to the park.

If you are interested in visiting Parc de la Villette, Parclick has some cheap car parks in Paris, from which you can easily reach the attractions in the park, from the Zénith to the Philharmonie de Paris. Don’t leave it until the last minute, book now and reserve your parking space near Parc de la Villette in Paris in advance!

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Parc de la Villette

Hotels Paris Hotels Paris

More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


Pour mon premier usage, rencontre d’un personnel très prévenant même au cœur de la nuit.


Bien situé aux portes de Paris et accessible 24/244.


Totalement satisfait


The QR code has never worked in the many times we have parked here but the staff are helpful at sorting this out. Would be nice if you could fix this though as it is quite annoying. Lift is broken half the time.


Accueil agréable et professionnel.


Nous avions omis de passée le qcode de notre réservation le personnel présent a mis a jour notre ticket. Parfait !

Patrick louis

La carte n'a jamais fonctionné à l'entrée du parking (elle était illisible).. J'ai du, tous les soirs me rendre à l'accueil pour la changer. Grace à la gentillesse et la professionalité de votre personnel, cette opération était toujours très rapide.


L’ensemble des prestations ont été parfaites


QR en dysfonctionnement mais opérateur réactif qui a su trouver une solution. Pas une minute de perdue par rapport à cet incident. Parfait !


Très bien, juste il faut indiquer le code de l’ascenseur quelque part

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4.6 App Store
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4.6 Google Play
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4.5 Google