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Where to park in Bobino Theatre
Planning on visiting the Bobino whilst in Paris? Be sure not to miss it! This famous Parsian theatre plays host to both French and international artists - singers, groups and comedians.
But where on earth can I park? Well stop worrying! Book your parking space at the Bobino with Parclick!
Firstly, remember that finding somewhere to park in Paris' 14th Arrondissement is a tricky task indeed, especially when you take into account the fact that you can only park in the same place for 2 hours, and it doesn’t come cheap either.
The Bobino Theatre is on the Avenue du Maine, it’s just a stone’s throw away from the Montparnasse train station and the Montparnasse cemetery. Plus this area is cho-a-bloc with shops, restaurants and hotel.
The Bobino Theatre
A famous theatre located in the 14th arrondissement in the south of Paris was opened in 1873 and it takes it name for the Italian clown who used performed in the Luxembourg Gardens at the start of the 19th century. In 1985, the music hall became a theatre and soon welcomed some of the biggest international and French stars.
You can easily reach the Bobino Theater from Avenue du Maine and leave your car in one of our car parks. But wait, you want to park somewhere else in Paris? No problem! The Bobino theatre has great public transport links - thanks to the metro stations Gaîté, Edgar Quinet, as well as the Montparnasse Bienvenüe station. You can also get there from Montparnasse train station too!
If you don’t fancy going to the Bobino, but to other theatres in the 14th arrondissement, let us suggest the Montparnasse Theatre, the Rive Gauche Theatre or the Grand Point-Virgule. They're just minutes away from the Bobino and of course, our car parks ;) Nearby you will find several hotels, shops, restaurants, the Gaumont Parnasse cinema and, of course, the Montparnasse train station and the famous Montparnasse Tower.
Off to the Bobino or somewhere else in the 14th arrondissement, then book now! With Parclick, booking your parking space in Paris is easy, practical and great value.