Quartier latin
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Where to park in Quartier latin

Let's be straightforward, parking in the city centre of Paris - and especially in the Quartier Latin (Latin district) - is complicated. Parking spaces are rare and expensive (add up €4 per hour of parking), with a large number of one-way streets, reserved places for residents or deliveries, and if you find a place you will have to move your car after only two hours, as the duration of parking is limited to two hours. This means that you have to often go to a car park, which will be either full or awfully expensive.

But to any problem, there´s a solution (well, that's what they say anyway). At Parclick, we offer to reserve your parking space to save you time and then your place is guaranteed. In addition, you can choose your car park among more than 120 available in Paris, and often for less than if you had gone directly to the car park.

That way, you can visit the Quartier Latin without stress. Great, right?

Quartier Latin

A historic district in the heart of Paris

The Quartier Latin is located south of the Seine (left bank), and is shared between the 5th and 6th arrondissements. Why is it called "Latin Quarter"? It´s because of historical universities like the Sorbonne who used Latin a lot. Not surprisingly, this district is very popular with students; and where there are students, there are cafes and bars (especially in Mouffetard street). The School of Mining, the École normale supérieure, Sorbonne, Paris-Descartes University ...: these are just some examples of the many schools, colleges and other educational institutions of the Latin Quarter. There are so many that someone had the idea of ​​naming a street "Rue des Écoles" (quite literally road of schools), where you´ll find the notable College de France.

There are also many ancient monuments, including the Pantheon, the Luxembourg Palace, the Cordeliers Convent and churches such as Saint-Sulpice. Add to that all the theatres, libraries and research centres, and you'll understand why the Latin Quarter is so busy ... and why it may be difficult to find parking spaces.

And then, of course, we talk about the Latin Quarter, so there had to be traces of our Gallo-Roman ancestors: namely the Roman Baths and Arenas of Lutetia.

There you go. You now know what there is to know about the Latin Quarter: that it is beautiful, that there are people, and that it is difficult to park there. So, are you going to book a parking place? ;)

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Totalement satisfait


The QR code has never worked in the many times we have parked here but the staff are helpful at sorting this out. Would be nice if you could fix this though as it is quite annoying. Lift is broken half the time.

Patrick louis

La carte n'a jamais fonctionné à l'entrée du parking (elle était illisible).. J'ai du, tous les soirs me rendre à l'accueil pour la changer. Grace à la gentillesse et la professionalité de votre personnel, cette opération était toujours très rapide.


Très bien, juste il faut indiquer le code de l’ascenseur quelque part


Un parking super sécurisé, propre un accueil très sympa je recommande


There are also electric loading options for your car. This was a pleasant surprise!


J'y suis allée deux fois, toujours quelqu'un de dispo pour m'accueillir avec gentillesse. Ponctualité et respect des horaires prévus.


Prima lokatie om de auto te stallen voor een weekendje Parijs!

David Stalling

Easy to find. Number plate recognition worked well, and the gate opened straight away. There was ample parking space (perhaps not surprising as we used it during new year's holidays).


Très bien, personnel dans la loge du parking Très à l'écoute

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4.6 App Store
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4.6 Google Play
Puntuación de Google
4.5 Google