Can Pineda
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Where to park in Can Pineda

The Can Pineda restaurant can be found in the neighbourhood of El Clot in Barcelona, in the district of Sant Martí. This is an ancient restaurant, that opened at the start of the 20th century (1904). In this place you will taste delicious food, with dishes prepared only with fresh products from the market. If we can recommend one of their specialities that you can check out on their menu, you should definitely order the rice with cuttlefish, which also comes with mushrooms and lobster (arroz con sepia, setas and bogavante).

Trust us, this is a pure delight ;)

To make the most of the Can Pineda experience, it is best not to have any distractions…. It would be a shame to spend the meal feeling under pressure, by fear of going over the park meter.  No panic, luckily for you, we have the perfect solution where there will be no need for you to eat in a rush: book your parking space in Barcelona.

Since you have arrived this far, why not book now your parking space near the Can Pineda in Barcelona and enjoy your exquisite meal stress-free!

Can Pineda

An ideal neighbourhood for a digestive stroll

If you are the type of person who likes to end your meal with a digestive stroll (which of course, is not everyone’s piece of cake) then you are ideally positioned!

You have several options that you can choose from:

  • You can go for a walk in the Parc del Clot, where you will enjoy the lovely landscapes of the canal.
  • You can go to the Plaça de les GIòries Catalanes, which is an important link of the city, where there are the Gardens del Bosquets dels Encants.

After having completely digested your meal, all you might want to do is stop the walking and get behind the steering wheel. If so, go to the car park to pick up your car and leave in a blink of an eye! Book your place in a cheap car park near the Can Pineda restaurant and enjoy eating an unforgettable meal in one of the best restaurants of Barcelona!

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You decide where, when to park and which car park suits you best. You save money, you save time and you realise that parking can be quick and convenient. You always arrive on time.

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Can Pineda

More than 1M drivers have already booked with  Parclick


Personnel très sympathique et agréable


El dijous vaig poder aparcar a la zona de parking més propera al aquarium que normalment está tencada i no s' enten perquè. En aquest cas i per tema de movilitat es d' agraïr, peor normalment no es deixa. Moltes Gràcies.


Localizacion y precio larga estancia


Le personnel a été très compréhensif et nous a aidé pour bénéficier des tarifs longs séjours, nous les remercions.


Buena iluminación, plazas normales, bien situado y precio ajustado.


Muy practico y buen precio


parking de confiance


Nous avons laissé notre voiture 3 jours sans problème. A notre arrivée il n'y avait personne à l'accueil, nous avons eu une personne très gentille par l'interphone.avec le numéro de réservation, il a validé notre ticket pour les trois jours.

Jesus Jose

Nunca había utilizado está aplicación, sin duda la usaré a menudo. Gracias. Nota El vigilante de el sábado a las 16:00 h. Una excelente persona


Well signed, clean, bright parking. Helpful operator

Puntuación de App Store
4.6 App Store
Puntuación de Google Play
4.6 Google Play
Puntuación de Google
4.5 Google