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Where to park in Bercy

Parking in Paris is no pic-nic, luckily there's Parclick! 

The Lower East Side of Paris

Bercy is one of the four districts that together make up the 12th arrondissement. It is located in the less touristy southeast of Paris and runs along the Seine. With its unmistakable, varied and colourful atmosphere, it’s definitely worth a visit during any trip to the French capital. 

So, you’re going to Bercy? Perfect, we have a few hotspots and events for you, which you cannot afford to miss! 

The AccorHotelsArena is particularly well-known. It is definitely worth taking a look at what’s on - with luck, there are still tickets for the next concert or upcoming sporting event.

For a shopping trip, the Bercy Village is the ideal place. Discover the various shops or enjoy the rural atmosphere in one of the numerous restaurants with a quiche and a glass of red wine.

Bercy is a mecca for all who are interested in modern art. In the Rue Louise-Weiss, for example, you can find the Air de Paris or Triple V and also Les Docks - Cité de la monde et du design. If you are near the Rue-Hélène-Brion, then we suggest visiting the Urban Art Galerie Mathgoth, to see the street artists’ work. 

For all those who want to paint the town red, there are enough clubs, bars and restaurants in Bercy too really go to town! The boats between the Pont de Tolbiac and the Pont de Bercy are pretty popular, and three locations in the area, which cannot be missed out during any night out, are the Batofar, the La Dame de Canton and the Petit Bain. Here you can choose where you want to grab a drink and enjoy the vibes Wanderlust, Communion and Café Oz Rooftop - or maybe all three!

If the weather in Paris is good, then you should make a detour to the Joséphine Baker swimming pool, located directly on the Seine! Relaxing the sun, in the jacuzzi or by the pool whilst enjoying a view of the Seine!

To escape the stress and the hustle and bustle of the city for a moment, the Parc de Bercy is in the area too! Nearby is the impressive Ministry of Economics and Finance too.

So get your trip to Bercy off to a great start and book your parking in advance with Parclick!

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